Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tampa Bay Buccaneers DE William Gholston Repays Gas Station Attendant That Helped Him Out Five Years Ago [VIDEO]

Have you ever thought about doing a random act of kindness? Has a stranger ever approached you and asked for some kind of help, but you said no because you either didn't want to, didn't care to, or thought the person was a nut job? Well--not everyone out there in need of help is a murdering psychopath. He might even be a star defensive lineman that could eventually become an NFL player that will eventually return and say thanks.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers DE William Gholston certainly did five years after a gas station attendant showed him some kindness.

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The story popped up on Reddit Saturday night. It seems that during high school Gholston ran out of gas on the freeway. He walked to a gas station and the attendant helped him out and filled his car up. He ended up playing college football at Michigan State and was drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the fourth round of the 2013 draft.

So now that he is making more than enough money Gholston decided to travel back home, find the gas station attendant that hooked him up and pay him back. Yeah, it was only a $100 (drop in the bucket for an NFL player), but it goes to show that there are guys with character in the NFL.

Well done Mr. Gholston. Well done indeed.

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