Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban Telling Tall Fishing Tales?

As much as we hate to admit it even head coaches are allowed to take a break from time to time to smell the roses or in Nick Saban's case the fish. It seems that the Alabama head coach went fishing the other night and had some pretty good luck. As the coach tells it he caught five tarpon in an hour, and one of them was so big it knocked him around a little.

How big? According to Saban it was about five feet long and 180 pounds. There is just one problem.

via Twitter
He didn't take a picture. Come on Coach. As a long time member of the human race you should know better than to claim to make such a big catch without proof! Everybody claims they caught the big one, but can't prove it because they "let it go."

In true Saban fashion he turns the story in to a teachable moment.

Did he catch it? Who knows, but lets be real--would he really need to? Can't we just imagine Saban ordering the fish to impale itself on his hook?

Pictures Coach. Come on. We need pictures.

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