Wednesday, May 27, 2015

FIFA Official Kept $6000/Month Trump Tower Apartment For His Cats

The soccer loving world was rocked today when a number of officials in the sports governing body, FIFA, were arrested on an assortment of charges related to widespread corruption. From the sound of things a ton of money has been blown on some pretty crazy and ridiculously extravagant living--and very little if any of it legally spent.

One of the biggest abusers, Chuck Blazer, a high-ranking former FIFA and CONCACAF official, turned confidential informant wasted money on all sorts of things including a Trump Tower apartment for his cats.

via Twitter
From the Washington Post:
CONCACAF’s offices took up the entire 17th floor, but Blazer often worked from two apartments where he lived on the 49th floor in $18,000-per-month digs for himself and an adjoining $6,000 retreat largely for his unruly cats, according to a source.
Holy cow.

I can't help but wonder what he fed those guys. If he spent $6k on an apartment it is not hard to imagine him feeding them caviar from Russia, milk from mountain lions or pumas, and fish straight off the boat from Alaska and flown in special every day.

What will be interesting to see is if this affects the World Cup scheduled to take place in Qatar. Will FIFA keep it there with the controversy involving human rights violations now that much of FIFA's governing body has been arrested?

Time will tell.


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