Monday, May 25, 2015

San Francisco 49ers Appear to Have Dodged A PR Bullet With Ray McDonald; Bears Release Him [UPDATE]

San Francisco 49ers fans are going to be breathing a slight sigh of relief when they hear this news. Not because they are insensitive tools that fail to see the big picture, but because they are happy that their team has already moved on from likely soon to be released Chicago Bears defensive lineman Ray McDonald.

So--what did he do now you ask? Well, it appears that after being investigated for domestic violence and sexual assault already in the last year he failed to learn from his mistakes and has been arrested on domestic violence and child endangerment charges.

via Twitter
The whole mess went down Monday morning reportedly at the home of former 49er Justin Smith. Neighbors say they say cops at the home around six in the morning. The official word from the Santa Clara PD is that he was arrested at 7 AM:

According to NBCBayArea, McDonald hung out with friends Sunday night, and when the night was over went to the apartment he rented for his ex-fiance and baby. He asked her to leave and then left himself in order to give her some space. Upon returning to the apartment the cops had been called.

McDonald's domestic abuse charge last season involved his then-pregnant fiance, but he was not officially charged. The sexual assault charge that led to his dismissal from the 49ers was an entirely separate matter.

The Bears have yet to comment, but when McDonald was signed Bears chairman George McCaskey did not initially want to sign him. He changed his mind, however, after meeting with McDonald and seeing how sincere and motivated he was to continue playing.

Well--so much for that sincerity.

Details on what exactly happened are pretty sketchy right now so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. It certainly doesn't look good for McDonald that he asked the mother of his son and his son to vacate their apartment (which he paid for) after a night out with the boys.

As much as he might want to keep this private the only way he can save his image and probably his career will be to own up to exactly what went down.



It appears that the Bears have heard enough about McDonald.

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