Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Johnny Manziel Does Do Stuff Right During Practice [VIDEO]

Johnny Manziel is the football loving world's favorite punching bag. To a degree it is not hard to see why. He looked horrible last season when he played and in the past he did a lot of things in his down time that made you want to slap some sense in to him. He could still do a better job of ignoring folks trying to provoke him, but otherwise his behavior has been fine of late.

Yet for some reason it seems that members of the media still seem to go out of their way to make him sound incredibly bad.

For example, apparently he has fumble issues now since he had trouble with three snaps in practice Monday. At least that is how a lot of sites are presenting it. They are conveniently leaving out that Mike Pettine thought two of them were low, but that would take away from their Johnny bashing so of course they leave that out.

We hear all about the bad that the kid does, but we have yet to see any proof of it (take some video guys!). Instead we have a bunch of blowhards trashing someone and we are just supposed to take their word for it?

I'm not trying to say he is not making mistakes; just that he should be given credit when he deserves it too. From the video clips I could find online it looks like he is throwing the ball pretty well.

Isn't the bashing just for the sake of bashing getting old folks? How about we do it when he (and anyone else for that matter) deserve it? Just an idea...

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