Monday, March 25, 2013

Indiana Pacers Fan Denied Ice Cream Gets her Just Dessert

Last Tuesday during the Indiana Pacers/Orlando Magic game a couple became a viral sensation (with the help of Chris Webber's narration and art work) after the boy friend was caught on camera denying his girlfriend a taste of his mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Well, in the end it will be the girlfriend--Georgia Arnett--who will be getting the last laugh on her boyfriend--Jake Moran (who actually tries to defend himself! Dude, you don't have a chance here!). Blue Bell Ice Cream felt her pain and decided to give her a year supply of ice cream!

She says that she is going to share with him, but Jake better not be surprised if she pulls her "ice cream" back every so often just to get back at him (and because she can).

[USA Today]
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