Monday, March 25, 2013

Texas High School Senior Nearly Breaks NFL Bench Press Record

Have you ever heard that everything is bigger and better in Texas?

Well, in the case of Pilot Point high school senior Matt Poursoltani that is certainly the case. Colleges are likely going to look at Matt as a project player, but will be more than happy to give him a look. Why? Because there are few that can push people around quite like he can.

Matt recently set the Texas state record when he benched press 700 pounds (single lift).

Yes, you read that right--700 pounds.

To put that in perspective, the NFL record was set by former Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman, Larry Allen, of 705 pounds.

And this kid is still in high school!

Breaking it and even the world record is entirely within his reach with his best years still ahead of him. He will need to gain another 375 pounds onto his max to tie the world record of 1075, but the kid tacked on 130 pounds in the last year.

He can do it if he stays healthy.

However, he may have to decide between becoming the strongest man in the world and football if a college decided to give him a try. They will love the power that the 270 pounder will bring, but if he gets too big and muscular his bulk will hamper his maneuverability.

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