Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aaron Hernandez Arrested! [UPDATE; VIDEO]

It's finally happened. After over a week of speculation, talk, and way too many rumors over an arrest warrant it has finally happened--New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has been arrested.

At about 8:45 AM this morning six-plained clothes police officers were seen walking up to Hernandez's house. The tight end opened the door and could be seen without a shirt on. Moments later the group exited the house with Hernandez in cuffs.

There had not been any new word on an arrest warrant or what exactly the charges were going to be. On Tuesday the court impounded any and all documents having to do with the death of Hernandez's friend, Odin Lloyd.  Tuesday night word also spread around the internet that Hernandez had added a prominent criminal attorney to his defense team, Jamie Sultan of Rankin and Sultan.

That was perhaps the first sign that at least Hernandez knew an arrest was imminent.

Authorities have yet to say exactly what charges have been filed, but the speculation has centered on obstruction of justice.

[UPDATE]: Video of the arrest has now been released.

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