Monday, June 10, 2013

Former NFL DB Fred Smoot Talks About 'Running Through the Okra Patch' and More on Reddit

Have you ever 'run through the okra patch' before? Guys? Gals? Oh--you don't know what that is? Well, you might be surprised to find out that you have done it before or are a really big fan of it without even knowing what it is.

Former NFL DB Fred Smoot was on Reddit Monday talking about 'running through the okra patch,' the Vikings Love Boat Scandal, and so much more. And yes, the Love Boat Scandal and 'running through the okra patch' are related...curious now?

Smoot played for the Washington Redskins and Minnesota Vikings during his nine-year career. One of the more memorable moments of it was the Love Boat Scandal that rocked the Vikings in 2006. He talked about that in his Reddit AMA:

Oh--Mom, Dad--you may not want Junior reading this.

Well, that's one way to promote eating your vegetables!

Smoot talks about all sorts of things in the AMA. If you are interested in hearing some of the inner thoughts of a former NFL star it's worth checking out.

And here is a link.

From the sound of it, it looks like he is going to be engaging in similar conversations throughout the coming season so if you want to get in on the next one keep your eyes on Redskins Republic.


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