Thursday, June 20, 2013

Half Time Score is Close for Game 7 of NBA Finals But a Warriors Fan Stole the Show

You can't ask for it to get much better than this. Tough basketball being played by two of the greatest franchises in the game today with some truly legendary players on the court. I ask you basketball fans--does it get any better than this?

I have to say yes. Not because I am against either team; I'm glad that we are seeing a good game and not another blow out (so far). What I am loving is the lone Golden State Warriors fan amidst a sea of white standing tall and representing his club.

Here's to you lone Golden State Fan (I'm raising my beer in respect as I type).

Kudos to Bleacher Report for this shot--classic!
Oh--for those that are interested the score is 46-44 Miami at the half in what has been a close contest from the start.


  1. that dude's a tool!!

    1. With the propensity for fan violence these days I'd almost call it balsy! Tool? Nah. Crazy? Maybe.
