Friday, June 7, 2013

Robert Griffin III Gets His Groove On For Charity

The hopes and dreams of the Washington Redskins sit in the capable hands of their second-year quarterback, Robert Griffin III--and his knee. All throughout the off-season the talk surrounding Washington has been about that knee (when it hasn't been on people demanding owner Dan Snyder change the team's name).

Is everything going smooth with his rehab? Is he going to be ready for the season opener? What will he be able to do in camp? Will he be good to go in camp?

Was that him dancing in a video taken at some party on that surgically repaired knee?

Yes, it is him, but he is not partying like he's Rob Gronkowski or anything. In fact, he was really pretty tame with his dance moves.

So no, he wasn't doing anything dangerous that could harm that knee. He wasn't even at a club. Well--he was, but not the kind you normally hear about athletes going to.

It was a charity function hosted by one of his teammates, Pierre Garcon, to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington. So even when he appears to be doing something bad (not that going out is bad, but when we usually see athletes doing so it doesn't end well), he isn't.

He's doing something good, because that's the kind of guy he is.

Right Lil' Jon?

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