Friday, August 30, 2013

Mike Ditka's Name Misspelled at Soldier Field? Seriously?

What it is with interns these days? It's bad enough that ESPN and FOX Sports 1 have been hit with a plethora of interns that do not know their footballs from their golf balls, and keep making mistakes in graphics. Since they cover all sports you can almost give them a smidgen of room for error (but the guilty party and his/her supervisor are still idiots).

However, the person that goofed up this ad in Chicago for Da' Coach--Iron Mike Ditka--well, there is no excuse for him (or her).

Ditka has partnered up with Vienna Beef to promote a new line of sausages (awesome). What better place to promote them than Soldier Field right? I mean--everybody will know his name at Soldier Field; there is no place better as far as name recognition goes.

"Coach Ditka and his name are universally recognized and conjure up vivid images, including the 'Saturday Night Live' sketches featuring Ditka-worshiping Super Fans and their polish sausage cravings," Tom McGlade, head of business development for Vienna Beef, said in a statement.

Ditka is pretty proud of these things too:

"These sausages embody Chicago. The tradition, the teams, the fans, the big appetites. Chicago deserves a monster sausage they can be proud of."

If only folks knew whose sausage they were buying...

Somehow the person in charge of signage must be the only person in Chicago that isn't a football fan. Or maybe he/she hails from Minnesota or Green Bay or something. How else can you explain such a dumb mistake?

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