Thursday, September 5, 2013

20 Players to Start the NFL Season Suspended for PED or Substance Abuse Violations

The NFL season kicks off Thursday night in Denver, but for 20 players the season will not be keeping off till the following week or in some cases not for another two months. That's because these guys have been busted using performance enhancing drugs of some kind or substance abuse (i.e. marijuana).
Some of these guys are major players, and some of them are not. Regardless of the amount of playing time they get you would think these guys would have learned to quit trying to beat the system. I am sure many more have, but for the ones that do not it can be pretty darn expensive.

Take Von Miller as an example. The man is losing out on about $800K in game checks because of his positive test. Was the party really worth it? Did you have an epic time Von? Because if you didn't (heck, and even if you did) it sure seems like a pretty dumb move on your part.

He's not the only yahoo. This season there are 19 other guys along with Miller that will start the season serving a suspension for either substance abuse of PED's. To put that number into perspective, since Goodell took over in 2006 there have been 60 players suspended for substance abuse/PEDs.

The 20 players to start the season serving a suspension are:
  • Ravens defensive back Asa Jackson (8 games; PEDs) 
  • Cincinnati defensive end DeQuin Evans (8 games; PEDs) 
  • Denver linebacker Von Milller (6 games; substance abuse) 
  • Jets Mike Goodson (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Jacksonville receiver Justin Blackmon (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Indianapolis receiver LaVon Brazill (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • New York Giants safety Will Hill (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Washington linebacker Rob Jackson (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Arizona linebacker Daryl Washington (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Baltimore safety Christian Thompson (4 games; substance abuse) 
  • Minnesota fullback Jerome Felton (three games; substance abuse) 
  • Cleveland receiver Josh Gordon (two games; substance abuse) 
  • San Francisco tight end Demarcus Dobbs (one game; substance abuse) 
  • Rams running back Isaiah Pead (one game; substance abuse) 
  • Chiefs offensive lineman Rokevious Watkins (one game; substance abuse) 
  • Seattle linebacker Bruce Irvin (4 games; PEDs) 
  • Free agent linebacker Jo-Lonn Dunbar (4 games; PEDs) 
  • Oakland receiver Andre Holmes (4 games; PEDs) 
  • Washington defensive lineman Jarvis Jenkins (4 games; PEDs) 
  • Minnesota tackle DeMarcus Love (4 games; PEDs)

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