Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cincinnati QB Munchie Legaux Suffers Nasty Leg Injury in Loss to Illinois

There is just no better way to describe what happened to Cincinnati QB Munchie Legaux--who has my favorite name in college football by the way--than to just say ouch. The only way that a dude's leg should bend like his does on this play is if he was double jointed and seriously into stretching and yoga.

But since there is no reason to believe that he is the most limber guy in college football the only way to describe this play is "ouch!"

Maybe because of the angle of the camera or the number of people on the field blocking the view this does not look as gruesome as Kevin Ware's injury during the Final Four last season, but when you see him lying on the ground with his leg bent up like it is....

Man, it hurts me just to think about it.

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