Tuesday, September 3, 2013

That FSU QB--Jameis Winston--Has a Gun on Him

The flavor of the week is definitely FSU quarterback Jameis Winston and righteously so. The red-shirt freshman lit up the Pitt defense on national television Monday night to the tune of 356 yards and four touchdowns while completing 25 of 27  throws.

Technically he completed 26, but the receiver landed out of bounds once.

In the coming weeks we will find out if this was a one-time thing or if Winston is the real deal, but thanks to the "we want it now" mentality in today's world fans want more of Winston now. They don't want to have to wait till next week when the Seminoles take on Nevada.

Thanks to the World Wide Web they don't have to.

Here is a little video someone took with their phone of Winston launching a ball over the Pike frat house. Now when you hear house you think "that's nothing. I can do that." But this is not really a house; its more of an apartment complex.

So yeah--this is pretty impressive.

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