Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boston Red Sox Win But City of Boston Loses After the Game [VIDEO]

I love sports. I love watching sports, writing about sports, and celebrating when my team wins. While I did have a blast in NYC many years ago when the Yankees won the Series I could not imagine acting like sports fans do now whether their team wins or loses the championship (video nsfw).

The Red Sox won last night, but along with what was some awesome partying you had folks hanging from lamp posts, jumping the gates at Fenway, setting fires in trash cans and flipping cars.

Flipping cars! Why?

Why in the world do people have to destroy things after their team wins a championship? You would think it would be a happy time and maybe the booze would flow a little easier-- but fires and car flipping? I have no doubt that alcohol was involved, but it is not the sole factor here.

Some cities seem to take winning with meaning its time to go primal and act as primitive as can be. Time to act like a cave man and just beat on things and destroy just for the sake of destroying.

I know that the folks in Boston are not the only ones that have done this or will do it. Not every city does either, but it seems that too many do.

Get a grip people. It's okay to love your game and your team, but its no excuse for taking celebrating too far.

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