Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fox News Fans Angry News Preempted by Texas Tech/Oklahoma Game

This is almost too funny for words. The Texas Tech/Oklahoma game started an hour late due to weather Saturday afternoon. As a result, the game had to be shifted to another channel so that FOX could start its broadcast of Game 3 of the World Series.

It appears that a number of people became upset when FOX shifted the Texas Tech/Oklahoma game over to the FOX News Channel. 

Awesome creation by @SBNation
Just like anyone else these days that has something they want to complain about those people looking to watch the news took to Twitter to complain (this is just a small sample):

The reason for showing the game is pretty simple--it was one of the best ones of the season to date and between two top 20 teams. Who would have a problem with that?

Well--the kind of folks that send out awesome tweets like these:

Hey, it takes all kinds to make the world go round; I get it. But there might be some thoughts that are better kept private. If you are really that worried about missing the news pick up a paper or--here's a thought--change the channel.

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