Sunday, October 27, 2013

Minnesota Vikings Rookie Cordarrelle Patterson Sets New NFL Record on Opening Play of the Game

There is not a whole lot that the Minnesota Vikings have to cheer about, but they got something on Sunday Night Football. No, it wasn't a win (44-31 loss; so it didn't completely suck). It was the first play of the game--which happened to be a record setting play by rookie Cordarrelle Patterson.

On the opening kick of the game the rookie set the record for the longest kick return in NFL history--109 yards.

Conventional logic would say," Wait--why didn't he down it that deep in the endzone?"

The answer is pretty easy. 

As bad as the Vikings have been this season it can't hurt if someone were to take a chance and run one out even if he is deep in the back of the end zone. What's the worse that can happen? He fumbles or the team has crappy field positions and still sucks?

Nice job Mr. Patterson.

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