Friday, October 25, 2013

Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Caving to Pressure and Changing Name? Not Likely.

Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder has been under siege for quite sometime over the name of his team. The argument is pretty straightforward--it's racist. Snyder has tried to say it is not intended that way and countless people--former players and Native Americans--have come forward to back him up, but as long as there is someone that doesn't like it or a journalist or politician in need of some press the argument will continue to rage on.

That is--unless Snyder caves in and changes the name to something like, oh--Bravehearts.

Rumors have been flying around the internet today that Synder may be thinking of changing the name of the team to the Washington Bravehearts.

Pure BS.

The whole mess has been concocted by people looking for page views (yes, just like me), and here's how it came about. One of Snyder's neighbors recently registered the name the Washington Bravehearts and started a company called the Washington Bravehearts LLC. 

Here's the real proof--he said the company's purpose was going to relate to entertainment and football. The man, Aris Mardirossian, happened to attend the University of Maryland just like Synder, but at different times.

That's it.

Eventually the team stated that there is no connection between the two. The evidence was pretty flimsy and completely circumstantial, but at least for half a day it gave us an entertaining story line to follow.

I have to admit that I am a little disappointed. Had this been true a commercial based off some of the iconic scenes from the movie would not have been far behind.

Tell me you can't picture Robert Griffin III doing this scene:

Or people making parodies of Synder as the crazy Irishman, Stephen:

[H/T to Bleacher Report/TMZ]

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