Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No More Squinting for Florida State QB Jameis Winston?

Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston has been making headlines all season long for his play on the football field, but after last Saturday's dismantling of Miami he was in the media for something else all together.

His squinting.

Several times throughout the broadcast the cameras caught him squinting to see the calls being made on the sideline. Images of him doing so went viral prompting millions to wonder what the deal was.

He does where contacts off the field, but does not like to when he plays. Somehow he has still managed to complete an incredible 24 touchdowns, more than 70 percent of his passes, and has only hit a 'receiver' from the wrong team six times.

And this with vision problems? Maybe not for long...

Winston was fitted for some new contact lenses on Monday. The place he got them at posted a picture to Facebook (which they later took down) implying that he may be considering wearing them on the field:

On one hand I'd say if it isn't broke don't fix it. With the way he's been playing 'it' clearly isn't broke. However, at the same time you can't help but think he could be just a little bit better if he did start wearing them.

I guess we'll find out when he takes the field on Saturday when the Seminoles take on Wake Forest.

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