Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trojans Head Coach Ed Orgeron Knows How to Get Through to his Players

In case the team's new found winning ways was not enough to encourage the university to remove the interim tag at the end of this season, Trojans Interim Head Coach decided to insure that he has the player's vote (if the university is concerned what they think that is).

How did he do that? Well, besides turning the program around and giving them a chance at a bowl game at the end of the season he talked to them in a way that every athlete likes to be talked to--via their stomachs!

I get wanting to keep the guys eating healthy, but I like the way Orgeron is handling things. These guys are kids; not just kids, but finely tuned athletic machines. The amount of calories these guys burn just waking up makes me jealous!

So go ahead and feed the beast Coach! They'll love you for it and once they wake up from their naps they'll practice harder because of it.

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