Monday, January 13, 2014

Beardless Andrew Luck: I Feel Like a Lost Puppy

Andrew Luck and the Indianapolis Colts did not quite have the season finale that they had hoped for Saturday. The team didn't just get beat by the New England Patriots--it got beat bad. While there is plenty of blame that could be spread around (if you like to do that sort of thing--wait, I'm a blogger so I do!) there isn't a player that feels like he deserve it more than Andrew Luck.

Four interceptions will do that to you.

On Monday he was at the Colts complex and while there had a little talk with the press where he gave a soundbite that is just adorable:
“When you lose in the playoffs, it is very abrupt,” said a clean-shaven Luck. “I’m wondering what to do. I feel like a lost puppy.

Lost puppy. Everybody now--awwwwwww!!!!

On a good note--at least he finally shaved. Now he doesn't look like a Civil War general anymore.


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