Monday, January 13, 2014

We Might Finally Have the Next Internet Fad on Our Hands--#LeBroning

Planking was kind of cool. I tried it once, but I broke the two chairs I was trying to do it across. Apparently their weight limits were for real. Tebowing was cool. I never really got into Kaepernicking and I don't think Griffening or Dufnering really took off.

But this one should.

Meet the next internet fad that is too funny not to take over the nation--#LeBroning. 

The NBA claimed it wanted to try and put an end to flopping, but when guys get paid at least a few million--if not $20+ million--shelling out a few thousand bucks is not going to make a difference. That's okay though, because it may give us something to do in our free time to mess with people.

Flop on strangers like the man himself does.

If you want to see more check out the collection that Next Impulse Sports has.

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