Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dallas Cowboys Sign Most Reliable Offensive Weapon--Kicker Dan Bailey--Through 2020

It looks like the first round is going to be on Dan Bailey tonight. Thanks to his new contract extension he can certainly afford to buy a couple drinks for everybody!

"Congrats Dan! Way to take it to Ole Jerry! By the way--whose your agent?"
Bailey was set to become a restricted free agent, but rather than deal with the mess of letting him test the market the team decided to go ahead and make him an offer he couldn't refuse--a six-year extension valued at $3.3 million a year.

Sound like a lot for a kicker? When you consider that he is one of the most accurate and consistant kickers over the last two seasons it isn't. The last two seasons he made 93.5 percent of his kicks missing just twice in each seasons.

The extension will move him from being among the tragically underpaid ($465,833/season; second to last) to inside the top ten (tied for 6th). Sebastian Janikowski is the highest paid kicker at $3.775 million a season.

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