Thursday, January 23, 2014

Keyshawn Johnson and Eric Dickerson Happy Justin Bieber Finally Arrested

If Justin Bieber was looking to complete his transformation from a talented musician (so I'm told; I think his music stinks) to a wannabe thug he almost succeeded by getting arrested for drag racing, driving under the influence, and resisting arrest (because how dare they stop him from racing a sports car that no teenager should ever own).

But his mugshot ruined any chance of him ever being looked at as 'tough' or 'thuggish.'

Rumor has it that he told the officers that arrested him he had been smoking weed all day (which could explain his stupid grin). I saw somewhere else that his dad may have played a part in blocking off the street so the Biebs could race his Lamborghini.

As could be expected, there were many that were glad that the young pop star finally was arrested. NFL analyst Keyshawn Johnson could not hide his pleasure at the news:

Eric Dickerson also chimed in:

Both had issues with Bieber driving like a maniac through their subdivision last year. I can't wait to hear what they say when we get a tearful apology from the Biebs that claims he learned his lesson from his time in jail and vows to turn over a new leaf (am I laying the sarcasm on too thick here?).

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