Friday, January 24, 2014

Will the Dallas Cowboys Try to Resign Josh Brent?

Over a year after causing the death of his teammate and friend Jerry Brown, the State of Texas has decided what is to become of former Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Josh Brent. He has been found guilty of intoxication manslaughter as expected; a conviction that could mean a sentence of as much as 20 years in jail.

He ended up getting much less.

Brent received a 10-year suspended sentence, 10-years on probation, and 180 days in jail. The time in jail is mandatory under state law when put on probation like he was and could have been as little as 120 days. Now that the case has been decided and the sentence passed down there is just one question that remains--when will the Cowboys resign him?

It may sound callous, but should they do so it would not be the firs time that a criminal (even one responsible for killing another living creature) was welcomed back to the gridiron with open arms (by the team at least). Dallas has been desperate the last few years for healthy defensive lineman. With the way the Cowboys stood by him publicly you would think he would feel a sense of obligation to the organization.

Yeah, there will be some backlash at first, but it will help that Jerry Brown's mom has been so vocal in her support of Brent. Once he makes a few plays the hate will probably subside to a degree (it did for Michael Vick after all).

This of course assumes that he does decide to play and gets in shape while he serves his sentence. The hard part could also be staying clean. While awaiting trial he failed two drug test. Should he do so while on probation the court is not going to be as forgiving as it was the first time around.

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