Saturday, February 22, 2014

Pistons Coach Rasheed Wallace Forgets He's a Coach for Just a Moment [VINE]

When you are a player you are expected to be in to the game and if you react to something that happens no one thinks twice about it. However, when you are a coach the expectations are a little different. You are expected to be a little more in control; the rock on the sideline.

That's not Pistons coach Rasheed Wallace though.

After watching Andre Drummond throw down a monster dunk Wallace couldn't hold back and let his joy overflow on the sideline.

Was he wrong to do so? Some will probably think so, but let's be fair here. He probably still thinks like a player so when he reacts like one we shouldn't be shocked. Besides--he's clearly loving what he is doing and isn't that what matters most?

[H/T Guyism]


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