Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tyson Chandler Charged With Goaltending After Ball Bounces Off His Own Head [VIDEO]

It wasn't that long ago that Tyson Chandler was part of a championship caliber team and was kicking butt and taking names. Now--well, now he's playing for a team that does not have a chance of even sniffing the post season.

Oh, and he's making plays that belong on blooper reals rather than highlight ones---like getting called for goaltending on his own shot.


In Friday night's overtime contest with the Orlando Magic Chandler appeared to be making a pretty sweet reverse dunk late in thee OT period, but than the ball bounced off his head and went back out of the basket.

To make it even more embarrassing than it already was he got called for the foul.

As silly as it seems according to the letter of the law he is guilty of goaltending his own basket according to the letter of the law:

"[When you] touch the rim, net or ball while the ball is in the net, preventing it from clearing the basket."

Don't worry about it too much Tyson. In today's world someone else is bound to do something just as silly soon and take all the attention off of you.

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