Monday, March 24, 2014

Haters Take Another Opportunity to Hate on Johnny Manziel [VIDEO]

Whether you think Johnny Manziel is going to be a great quarterback in the NFL or not there is one thing that really shouldn't be argued--the kid is a damn good athlete. Here he is standing a shade under 6' tall and doing an impressive series of dunks during a workout.

Of course a video like this has done what just about anything Manziel does--it's given the haters something new to hate on. On Bleacher Report's post there are close to a couple hundred comments. About half are bashing Manziel claiming that the rim must not be regulation--oh, and he's a terrible person.

On the bright side, the other half are telling the haters they suck. So while there may be a lot of hate only about half of it is pointed at Johnny Football.

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