Friday, October 10, 2014

St. Louis Rams Will Be Partying and Drinking Like its 1999 Monday Night!

When it comes to nationally televised games teams like to make sure they do whatever they can to put their best foot forward. They want to win of course and give fans a good show, but the home team also wants to paint the city in a positive football light. They want the rest of the world to think the fans are absolutely crazy about their team.

On Monday night it appears that the St. Louis Rams are going old school to make sure the fans are nice and rowdy for the game against the 49ers. They are going to get folks drunk.

via Twitter

They are not giving away beer of course, but they are going to make it more affordable then it's been in years; since 1999 in fact:

From a PR standpoint this is brilliant. Anyone that was thinking about giving up their tickets to a friend because the odds the Rams beat the 49ers are slim might rethink that now. Bad games are much more enjoyable with a few beers in you after all. At those prices folks don't have to break the bank to have a few.

There may be one problem though. Many employers may find a good percentage of their workforce calling off for Tuesday.

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