Monday, October 13, 2014

The Best Stiff-Arm You Will Ever See in Your Entire Life Courtesy of Your Friendly Neighborhood Rugby Prop [VIDEO]

For those that are not familiar with rugby terminology, props are kind of like offensive linemen. They are often the big guys on the pitch. At lower levels of the game they will often have a healthy beer gut keeping them warm in the winter, but when you watch the game at the professional level these guys will sometimes have six packs that will put the skinny little 'in-shape' backs to shame.

The point is they are massive people. They are people to be feared on the pitch and fed steak, burgers, and beer off of it (how else can they be controlled?).

via Twitter

Unlike their gridiron counterparts props have just as much of a chance to get their hands on the ball as anyone else on the pitch. They may not move as fast as the other guys, but when you can cause havoc and lay waste to anyone dumb enough to get in your way does it matter? I think not!

Actually, if the backs wanted to learn how to run like a bad*ss they should watch a prop from time to time. Take this fine rotund gentleman for example. Want to know how to throw a stiff-arm that will make someone's ancestors feel some pain? Just watch. Ben Tameifuna will be happy to show you.

Someone buy that man a steak...and get the guy on the ground a beer.

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