Thursday, November 20, 2014

Who Gets a Job First--Ray Rice or LeGarrette Blount? [UPDATE]

Technically the question is an easy one to answer--LeGarrette Blount should get a job before Ray Rice. He's eligible to play right now and Rice is not, but for the sake of argument lets work under the assumption that Rice's suspension will be lifted tomorrow. So--in that case who do you want?

The Village Idiot or the Wife-Beater?

On one hand you have a public relations nightmare waiting to happen in Rice. No matter where he goes any team that gives him a shot is going to get blasted by women's and anti-domestic violence groups. It may simmer down over time, but it will never truly go away even if he does start producing like the guy that ran for 1000+ yards four seasons in a row.

On the other you have Blount. You have a guy who threw a fit because he wasn't getting any carries, left the field, and tried to leave the stadium. Pittsburgh did what any reasonable team would do with a a problem child that was barely contributing and cut him.

Had he been producing it would have been interesting to see if they would have cut or just suspended him for a couple games. In five seasons he could barely be called an 'okay' back at best.

So--assuming both are available who gets a job first?

Blount, the temperamental back that is okay at best or Rice, a good back that is going to be a PR nightmare?

Or do teams actually learn from the mistakes of others and just leave these two sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring?

In this league it is hard to tell. Guys like Michael Vick have been given a second chance so why not Rice? We have guys that have been arrested for not feeling like paying for underwear and cologne or tried to use bubble gum as currency so there are plenty of guys that have done things as dumb if not dumber than Blount.


Well, I guess that question was answered pretty quick.

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