Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bode Miller Gets Nasty Gash on Leg After Epic Wipe Out at World Championships [VIDEO]

When I was a kid I wanted to learn how to ski so bad, but living in Texas and never going anywhere that had snow kind of made it hard. Then I got older and started to move around a lot and to some areas that were known for awesome skiing. However, this was around the time where a couple of famous people died after running in to trees while skiing.

As uncoordinated as I am this would be a real possibility for me so my dreams of becoming a top notch skier were over. After watching Bode Miller wipe out at the World Championships I can honestly say I am okay with that decision.

I am totally aware that this is a slope that only the best go on and I would never be on it, but this looks like it hurts--a lot.

This looks especially painful.

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