Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo Sends His First Actual Tweet (and its lame)

Social media outlets like Twitter are a great way for professional football players like Tony Romo to get in touch with the fans, but for one reason or another the Cowboys quarterback has stayed away from Twitter until Thursday night. For some reason he decided to join the popular social media outlet and in no time had close to 30,000 followers.

He has even sent his first tweet out in to the virtual world--and it is pretty lame for a first tweet.

via Reddit
His number.

That's the best you can do Tony? Come on man! Anything would have been better. Go Cowboys! Long live Jerry Jones! Duke Basketball rules! A picture of your hot wife or maybe one of your kid would have been better than your number.

Heck, show your unsigned No. 1 wide receiver some love and tweet a picture of him. Just tweeting your number though--weak sauce Romo (but welcome to Twitter).

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  1. "Fat Man Writitng" yes...I see. But can "Fat Man" use Spellcheck? " A picture of your hit wife"?? Step your game up fattie...
