Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pete Carroll Has Different Take on Bruce Irvin's Atlanta Comment

In high school it was easy for coaches to control what their players said. The ever present threat of running till you puke was a deterrent from saying anything coach would not like to the wrong people. In college it wasn't as easy, but it was still possible to keep guys from saying too much to the press. However, in the NFL it is not so easy, but that doesn't stop many coaches from trying to control perception by putting their own spin on things.

Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll certainly is trying to do just that in regards to some comments his linebacker, Bruce Irvin, recently made about where he is going to play next season.

via Reddit
According to BlackSportsOnline while in attendance at an Atlanta Hawks game recently Irvin said
that he would be playing in Atlanta for the Falcons next season.
“I’m going to be in Atlanta next season. I’m ready,” Irvin said. “Atlanta is where I want to be. Believe that.”

While the Seahawks did decline to pick up his fifth year option that does not mean the Seahawks do not want him back. Maybe they are willing to test the market so they can see how much they need to pay him to keep him. Maybe they are planning on making him a solid offer before the season starts or at some point before his contract expires. Who knows.

According to Carroll, Irvin never said that he wants to play for the Falcons next season:
"I'm really glad you asked me that, because he didn't say that," Carroll said. "We've been talking all along. He has been working out in Atlanta for these three weeks, and he said (that) in response to the question 'Do you want to come back home?' He said everybody likes to come back home, and it's a dream to come back home. It wasn't in reference to leaving us and coming back (to the Falcons). He was really adamant about it, and I asked him to leave it and not go at it anymore."
Makes sense, but is it the truth? Who knows. It wouldn't be the first time a member of the media were to take something out of context to get page views. It wouldn't be the first time a head coach tried to put a different spin on something either.

I suppose we'll find out by next season at the latest (if not sooner).


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