Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Carolina Panthers LB Shaq Thompson Had A Sit Down With Ron Rivera Over Profanity Laced Snapchat Rant [VIDEO]

Social media is a great and terrible tool all at the same time. It gives us a chance to express ourselves to the world at a moments notice--which can be good and bad. It gives us wonderful things like coaches dancing in the locker room, the latest trends in celebrations (i.e. dabbing, Tebowing, etc.), and unprecedented access to celebrities.

However, the way Carolina Panthers linebacker Shaq Thompson expressed himself in a recent Snapchat video is bad.

Haven't heard about that one yet, have you? Well, it appears that he wanted everyone to know how he was feeling about the Seahawks--and it wasn't pretty (NSFW):

When it comes to things a player can do away from the field there are plenty things that are worse than this, but when you are making a Super Bowl run the last thing you want is any kind of silly distraction--like some stupid video.

So it warranted Thompson having a sit down with Thompson:
“I sat down with Shaq,” Rivera said Wednesday. “I discussed it. It's over. So we decided the best thing for all of us is to move forward and get ready for Arizona.”
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