Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Some Carolina Panthers May Be Trying To Start The Next Big Social Media Trend--Creedbombing

Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton will forever be associated with the 'dab.' No matter when the trend dies, when people talk about it decades from now in some history class during a discussion of popular trends it will be 'that thing Cam Newton did back in the day.'

A couple of Cam's teammates, linebacker Ben Jacobs and tight end Greg Olsen (along with athletic performance analyst Brett Nenaber) may already be moving on to the next great trend already--the Creedbomb.
via giphy
If the thought of it doesn't make you laugh out loud then you must be young enough not to have heard these guys on the radio. Type the name 'Creed' into a search engine and you will find several articles about the Stallone movie. However, type in 'Creed band' and along with some bio stuff you'll find article naming them as one of the worst bands of the 90s.

So--what's a creedbomb?

Rather than just walk into someone's interview and act like a fool you walk up and belt out lyrics to a creed song.
“The key is you’ve got to make really deep, direct eye contact,” Jacobs said in the CharlotteObserver. “So if you Creedbomb someone you’ve got to look them directly in the eye.”
Will it catch on? There isn't a video of it online yet so until there is the answer to that one us easy--nope. Until we see it in action it isn't a thing.

Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we should just let Creed and their music go quietly into the night. I'm just saying...


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