Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crazy Colts Fan - Chuck Pagano is a Stand Up Guy

Crazy Colts Fan - Chuck Pagano is a Stand Up Guy

I can only imagine how hard it is to get the chance that you've been dreaming about for your entire life--to get a shot at being a head coach of an NFL team--and then have to step away in order to receive treatment for leukemia (or anything else for that matter). Dealing with the has to take an incredible amount of internal strength.
Yes, I know we are talking about dealing with a serious disease and football. I'm sure it wasn't a hard decision; of course you go for treatment and let the game handle itself. Just because you walk away physically it doesn't mean that your heart walks away.
Maybe if Indianapolis Colts head coach Chuck Pagano wasn't going through chemo we wouldn't have even heard about this. Maybe its something that a lot of coaches do; I don't know. I still think it rocks, and speaks volumes about the man's character that he did what I'm about to talk about...

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