Saturday, October 27, 2012

Secret to Texans Success is Simple

Secret to Texans Success is Simple: Everyone likes to think they know how to win in the NFL, but the Houston Texans are proof that the secret is really very simple.

Winning in the NFL can’t be easy. Getting the right combination of players, getting them to actually work together like a well-oiled machine, and then keeping them from taking of for larger paydays via free agency or healthy is a monumental task to say the least.

Then again, if it was easy then coaches wouldn't get paid what they do, right?

Success in fact does not come easy even with the right players. Coaches have to come up with the right plan in which to utilize them in order to win. Some can; some can’t. 

Head coach Gary Kubiak and the rest of the Texans coaching staff have come up with one that works, and the concept is really pretty simple:

Don’t let the other team have the ball... 

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