Friday, December 28, 2012

Catching Up With the Bowl Games: Hawaii and Little Caesars

The bowl season started on December 15 and will conclude after 35 games on January 7 with the crowning of a new national champion. Along the way there are quite a few games being played. They are few and far between leading up to Christmas, but once Christmas Eve hits the season really gets rolling.

If you are interested I've got posts on each of the games leading up to Christmas Eve (and there were some good ones--the New Mexico Bowl was awesome). I've missed the games since then so in the interest of catching up time to talk some football.

Hawaii Bowl (Dec 24): SMU 43     Fresno State 10

June Jones had his hands full when he took over the SMU Mustangs in 2008. Ever since they were hit with the Death Penalty back in the 80s the team had been one of the worst in football. After a 1-11 season his first year he has turned the Mustangs into yearly bowl contenders--not major bowls, but bowl games none the less.

This year he got to take SMU back to some familiar stomping grounds in Hawaii (where he coached the Rainbows for years). Just like the last time (against Nevada in '09) their opponent--Fresno State--didn't stand a chance.

Little Caesars Bowl (Dec 26): Central Michigan 24     Western Kentucky 21

This game will be remembered for one thing and one thing only-- a head coach that failed to be a coach when it mattered most.

With the ball on the 19-yard line, down by 3, and 51 ticks on the clock Western Kentucky opted to go for it on 4th and two rather than kick the field goal and send the game into overtime. Interim head coach Lance Guidry said the players wanted to go for it--because they were there to win-- so they did.

And they failed to convert.

What Guidry should have done was tell his players that they can win in overtime just as easily as they could right then and there. That decision is not likely one that will resonate well with his new boss, Bobby Petrino.

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