Thursday, December 27, 2012

Life is Good for Alabama Quarterback A.J. McCarron

You would think that for Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron life might be a little stressful. After all, he plays for the Crimson Tide, one of if not the best team in the nation--just a little bit of pressure there. He is soon to face the tough defense of Notre Dame in the BCS national championship. It would not be surprising if he has been having visions of Manti Te'o bashing in his head.

Because that is what the Alabama fan base will want to do if he doesn't guide the 'Tide to victory.

Yeah. No pressure. So why is life good for McCarron?

Have you seen the man's girlfriend? He's dating Miss Alabama. Yep, the QB for Alabama is dating Miss Alabama. Kinda poetic if you ask me. However, what's a little gossip without some dirt? 

As luck would have it Miss Alabama is not from Alabama (the university; she's from Phenix City, AL), but--wait for it; wait for it--Auburn.

The man is dating a young lady from the team's hated rival! How dare he! Where is his school pride? What is he thinking? How could he do this to the Alabama Faithful?


  1. She's hot
  2. He's not a child
  3. Rivalries matter on the field, not off
  4. She's hot
Katherine Webb (the young lady's name) has already graduated anyway. If where she went to school actually matters--well, Auburn sucks anyway.

Good for you A.J. McCarron. Good for you. 

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