Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pao Gasol Can Play (DID YOU SEE THAT?)

Pao gets ripped in the media a lot; by writers, analysts, teammates--the man simply gets no respect. For fans it is frustrating, because we know the man can play, but in recent years he has not been able to come through for the team all too often in the clutch.

Why that is no one but Pao knows. I don't even want to speculate; the possibilities are endless. That being said, it was nice to see the man show fans on Christmas Day that he is capable of coming through when the team needs him; something that is challenging on a team as stacked as the Lakers are (when healthy).

This play helped seal the win for the Lakers giving L.A. fans something else to be happy about while sending Knicks fans home with that 'lump of coal in the stocking' feeling:

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