Friday, December 28, 2012

Something Strange is Afoot With the New York Jets

I'm sure the title comes as no surprise. We've all read the headlines and listened to the press conferences this year. The New York jets have been the picture of dysfunction this season, never far from another media debacle.

With a game left in the 2012 season and the Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Era in New York what's one more 'what the ****' moment, right?

When the news broke that Greg McElroy was possibly going to miss the Jets 2012 season finale Sunday it was not because he had a concussion as was reported on Thursday. Instead it was because he had some abdominal issues; shocker considering he was sacked 11 times, right?

However, when the news broke that Mark Sanchez was named the starter for the finale it was not because McElroy had abdominal issues, but a concussion.

Of course the important thing here  is that the right injury has been reported and his health issues are now known. As it turns out, several players were aware of the concussion and did not report it either. When your head is seriously rattled after a concussion it is pretty hard to hide from anyone paying attention.

So I guess what I am wondering is how he starting quarterback was able to go through meetings and practice without any of the coaches taking notice of the issues that were clear to his teammates? Not only that, but was the abdominal injury legitimate, false reporting, or just the flavor of the day?

This comes up conveniently at a time where the team has another mess it would not mind going away. Apparenlty some person with the team decided to talk about how Tim Tebow had requested that he be left out of the team's wildcat package if he wasn't going to start. Chaos ensued as the Tebow-haters in the world took this as the chance to call one of the most honest people in the world all kinds of bad names and drag his name through the mud.

Why? Because for some odd reason some people in the media (and in society) seem to think that it is impossible for a person to be as good-natured as Tim Tebow appears to be. So whenever a chink in the armor appears then they must all rush in and try to rip it and him to shreds.

All this without doing their due diligence (didn't that get some big time news folks fired in recent years?).

Tim, being the good guy that he is didn't rush out and proclaim his innocence. He didn't want to become another piece of the media jungle; at least not more than he already was. After getting his character torn o=to pieces he finally had to speak out.

Lo and behold the man is innocent. If anything, it was a simple misunderstanding.

So we have unreported injuries, misreported injuries, unnecessary drama--well, I guess that last one has been the norm this season.

Can the circus that is the Jets get any crazier?

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