Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tim Tebow Cancels Appearance at Controversial Church

The football world may be closing in on Tim Tebow, but the rest  of the planet still seems to love the good-natured guy. However, after he agreed to speak at a Dallas-area church that is known for its controversial views on homosexuality among many things (like claiming Islam encourages pedophiles to do what they do) you had to start to wonder if the skeleton was coming out of the Tebow closet.

Were we finally going to get a reason to despise this guy outside of his unusual throwing motion? The answer is now no.

Tebow announced on his Twitter feed that he has cancelled the appearance after he became aware of certain things:

Good move Tim. Now if only an NFL team would give you a chance...

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  1. Tim,
    Please come back to AZ and play for the Cardinals.

  2. There is nothing controversial about the Word of God and that is all that is preached at this church in Dallas. If you find it controversial perhaps you should check where your eternal destination may be.

    1. If nothing is controversial then why do you post anonymous? Just wondering.

    2. Really, there is nothing controversial about the word of God? must not have ready an history, heard of the crusades, pedophilia in the Catholic Church, or watched any news where Islam/muslims were involved. There may be nothing controversial to you, because you think you know everything, but the rest of us beg to differ.

  3. I do not know enough about the beliefs of the church in Dallas, but every speaker has a right to decide as to where he wishes to associate himself. Mr. Tebow seems to have genuine faith in Christ, which seems to be his hope for his eternal destination. If we were perfect we would not need Christ.

    1. Amen Joe.
      Way to go. The only one that is perfect is our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why we still need to pray and read our roadmap, the BIBLE, daily.Blessings to you.

  4. Where does the word of God come from? The Bible, you say? Translated from language to language over the course of centuries distorts a consistent version and provides countless interpretations. If you take the Bible literally, you are bound to find things with which you disagree. What is controversial is how churches like this attack those who live and believe differently. Rather than simply practice your faith, you impose your beliefs onto society, onto people who vehemently disagree with your stance. Keep the focus on you and your salvation, as should everyone else, and we will all be fine.

  5. Most,if not all controversies start with religion. Been that way since BC and continues today. See Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt and a host of countries immersed in Islam. I guess were all going to hell.
