Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cute Wildlife Runs Wild During Super Swiss Soccer Match

Typically when a game is stopped it is because some form of wildlife has decided to run around on the field; usually some drunk fans. However in the Super Swiss League match between Than and Zurich it was something a lot cuter, but still not cuddly--as goalkeeper Loris Benito found out the hard way.

A marten decided he wanted to take a run out onto the field during the game, and did a heck of a job alluding capture. Officials thought he was gone at one point and restarted the game, but no! He was just taking a breather before coming back for more.

The second time around field personnel managed to use a net to capture him and get him off the field, but he was able to escape and made a run for the pitch yet again.

It was at this point that Benito decided to help. He tackled the furry creature, but was bitten on the finger for his efforts. Bound and determined that the game needed to continue he held on till he was able to get the marten off the field.

Whoever he passed the marten off to did a poor job of securing the creature, and sure enough he came back to the pitch for more. Once again it was Benito to the rescue! He wrangled the marten once again, but thanks to his gloves he was able to withstand the bites.

This time they finally got the little guy out of the building, and the game was able to continue. Benito, the marten, and the soccer fans in attendance were able to live happily ever after! In light of his on-field work there might even be a scout or two that want to talk to the marten...

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