Tuesday, March 12, 2013

J.J. Watt Gives a Cyber Punk a Polite Warning

Houston Texans defensive lineman J.J. Watt is beloved by almost all as a nice guy (who else would pretend marry a little girl to make her smile) and a tremendous player (defensive player of the year). Apparently not everyone is a fan though.

One guy decided that he was going to challenge J.J. Watt to a fight over Twitter. Not one to give into bullies--cyber or real--J.J made sure the instigator knew he was making a mistake:
The instigator, Mike Klocke, does not appear to be someone that should be picking fights with guys the size of J.J. Watt (assuming that he is one of the people in his profile picture). making his threat just a little on the surprising side.

After J.J. replied to Klocke (and Klocke got a virtual earful from J.J. Watt fans) he appeared to realize what a foolish thing he had done:
Klocke better count himself lucky that J.J. is actually as nice a guy as he seems and not a rather angry individual like boxer Curtis Woodhouse who decided to track someone down that talked a lot of trash to him.

What's sad about this little story is that the only reason why Klocke did anything is that he wanted a response from J.J., and for some reason he thought challenging him to a fight was the way to go. Well, he got his response alright.

I hope the negativity he churned up was worth the few followers he picked up. You are so cool (is the sarcasm obvious? I tried to make it obvious.).

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