Sunday, March 31, 2013

Michigan State Fans Take a Page Out of West Virginia's Playbook

At the end of the game Friday night the fans of the Michigan State Spartans were not too happy. Their beloved team had lost, 71-61, to the Duke Blue Devils. They didn't play poorly; Duke's Seth Curry was just lights out hitting 8 of 17 shots including 6 of 9 from behind the arc for 29 points.

Don't get me wrong; they kept it close, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. So like any good fan should the Spartan Faithful responded by burning couches.

Apparently this is not the first time that the Spartans have gone couch burning after a big loss. After a tough loss to Indiana in February there were a few couches that went to the Big Recliner in the Sky. It happened last year during March Madness as well when the team lost to Louisville.

Since there does seem to be some regularity to lawless celebrations/pity parties of this sort the University tried to put a stop to them early by  issuing a warning:

Well, maybe they could have/should have mentioned losing with class as well. Then again, if Spartans fans are anything like the folks at West Virginia it wouldn't have mattered much.

Last season the good folks at WVU tried to put a halt to the time honored tradition of couch burning there.When I say time honored I mean it too. Those guys had made couch-burning such a common occurrence following a win that the act of burning a couch has been made a felony offense with the hope of discouraging some furniture burning.

Like Michigan State, WVU officials wanted to do something to discourage the act so they created a public service announcement:

Yeah, it didn't really work. The only thing that seemed to put an end to it was losing, but since that is what precipitated it for the Spartans folks at Michigan State just might be screwed.

Then again, it is pretty cold this time of year...

[Deadspin, MLive, Telly]
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