Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Widow Wants to Put NASCAR-Themed Stone on Husband's Grave; Church Says No

It is a shame that a woman has had to result to suing the church in order to get the tombstone that her husband wanted placed on his grave, but that is exactly what it has come to for the widow of Jason Carr in Indianapolis.

AP photo
Jason was killed in a car crash in 2009. Per his wishes, his wife Shannon had a special tombstone made to be placed on his grave. It would be in the shape of a couch and include all the things he loved: a dog, a deer (because he loved hunting), the Indianapolis Colts logo, and a NASCAR logo.

And for some reason the church has said no.

They claim that she was told ahead of time that it would not be allowed in the cemetery (it didn't meet specifications). She went ahead and spent close to $10,000 on it anyway.

Hey--if my wife had a last wish for her tombstone I would move heaven and earth to make it happen too! No? Pfft!

Now she is suing in order to get the right to place the stone on the grave. Shannon is claiming that the church never produced any standards that had to be met. In fact, there were not any till over a year after she was told she could not use her husband's special stone.

So what it sounds like is that the church has said no because they don't like how it looks; kinda surprising coming from a town that hosts one of the most prestigious races in motor sports, huh?

I'm guessing that the church is saying no because they think it might take away from the reverence of the cemetery. I don't know about y'all, but when I've visited a cemetery the last thing I've cared about is another person's headstone.

Priorities people; let the woman honor her husband the way he wanted.

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