Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jerry Jones Needs to Step Up or Get Out of the Way

Jerry Jones Needs to Step Up or Get Out of the Way

When the Dallas Cowboys finished the 1988 season America’s Team was not looking too good. They were fresh off the worst season in team history and the future was not looking real hot.

Enter new team owner Jerry Jones. He flipped the team on its end by firing the only head coach it had ever known; a controversial move to say the least. To make matters worse he forced out longtime general manager Tex Schramm and made himself the GM.

As hated and cursed as he was back then the taunts quickly turned to praise when the team won its second consecutive Super Bowl and eventually won three in four seasons.

From the beginning Jones has made sure that his stamp was on the team, and that if it did well that the praise should come to him first and then trickle down. In his first few years it was hard to argue with him (with the exception of the mess with Jimmy Johnson).

But it has been close to two decades since the Cowboys have been in the Super Bowl. For many of them they have been considered a contender only to flame out in the end.

So in the immortal words of Miss Janet Jackson—what have you done for me (Cowboys fans everywhere) lately?...

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