Saturday, August 3, 2013

Aaron Hernandez Prison Letter Goes For a Tidy Sum

As shocking as it was when the news broke that Aaron Hernandez was under investigation for murder, it was even more shocking that he was silly/stupid enough to write a letter to some person and expect it to not end up on the internet. Of course he did ask nicely for the person to keep it off of social media, but come on folks. He had to know it would end up there!

Want to know how much it sold for?

Jeffrey Beall/Flickr
I don't know how much the original recipient of the letter got, but we know now that whoever Karl is sold it to Sportsworld Inc. (or maybe they just proctored the sale for him). That is who gossip site TMZ bought the letter from for a whopping--you ready?--


You know as this news gets out there are going to be people everywhere writing letters to celebrities and athletes in jail in hopes they too can cash in with the person's reply.

Oh--in case you haven't seen the letter:

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